Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Chicken Provencal

My cousin Steve made a great dinner (with great appetizers from Dave) for the entire family at our family gathering at Pajaro this year. After having a great conversation with his wife about the families that she consults because they have Type 2 diabetes, I am working on healthy, quick, affordable meals that ANY and EVERY family should be able to eat.

This week I bought groceries at Whole Foods to see how inexpensively we could do this using organic ingredients. If you make something similar let me know how much it costs for you to make shopping somewhere else. Where is the best deal for those that are less fortunate than us but deserve to eat just as well as we do?

Chicken Provencal:
1-2  lbs organic chicken thighs ($3.60 - on sale for $1.99 lb)
1 28 oz can Muir Glen crushed organic tomatoes with basil (on sale for $2.50)
1 16 0z jar roasted bell peppers, rinsed to remove excess salt (4.99)
1 4.8 oz jar pitted kalamata olives, rinsed ($3.50)
1 Tsp herbs de provence (25 cents) estimated but probably less since I buy in bulk at Whole Foods
1 tsp dried shallots (15 cents)
1/2 tsp dried garlic (10 cents)

2 cups dried brown rice ($1? was on sale for $1.50/lb this week in the bulk section)
6 cups water

Combine all ingredients in slow cooker and cook for 6 hours on low. add rice for last hour

 OR brown chicken in pot add other ingredients and cook on medium heat for 30 minutes
serve over cooked brown rice

Prep Time:
5 minutes or less

Cooking Time:
6-8 hours on low in the slow cooker
30 minutes on the stove

Cost: $16.10

Feeds Four: for one to two nights (On the second night add chicken broth and turn it into soup)

Make it a Meal: with a side salad or throw spinach/kale onto the top for one pot cooking (it was great with kale this week.)

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