Monday, January 4, 2010

Porcini Pasta

We just returned from a PERFECT family vacation camping on the beach near Santa Barbara. There was literally nothing in the fridge but we didn't want to go out to eat so I whipped this one up. While it was quickly cooking, literally as long as it takes to boil pasta, I realized that it would be a perfect one-pot camp dish. I am starting a new label for camp so that we can easily have a list the next time we go--which will be often as G LOVED IT SO.

Boil some whole wheat penne
saute some garlic granules (yes, I was even out of garlic which has never happened before) in some olive oil
add a can of garbanzo beans
add a jar of sun dried tomatoes (drain from oil first)
sprinkle some "exotic mushroom rub" from rubs with love (basic porcini, herb de provence, garlic)
toss in chopped kale from freezer (if camping a bunch of kale keeps like a bouquet of flowers in a jar of water)
toss with cooked past and add a little of the pasta water.